UNOE, the Unitwin Network on Open Education

Editorial committee

Tel Amiel
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Open Education and Technologies for the Common Good.
Univerdade de Brasília, Brazil (BR)
Fawzi Baroud
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department and holder of the UNESCO Chair on Open Educational Resources (OER) for Access and Success.
Notre Dame University Louaize, Lebanon (LB)
Khalid Berrada
Professor. ICESCO Chairholder on “Open Education”
Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Morocco (MA)
Daniel Burgos
Vice-rector for International Research at UNIR; Director of the UNESCO-UNIR Chair on eLearning
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain (ES)
Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi
Head of digital learning and Pedagogical Innovation Unit. Associate Professor (HdR) in Computer Sciences and Educational Technologies.
Université de Sousse, Tunisia (TN)
Glenda Cox
Associate professor. Holder of the UNESCO chair in open education and social justice. Principal investigator in the Digital Open Textbooks for Development initiative (DOT4D)
University of Cape Town, South Africa (ZA)
Colin de la Higuera
Researcher in machine learning and AI. Holder of the UNESCO Relia (Ressources Educatives Libres et Intelligence Artificielle)
Nantes Université, France (FR)
Mitja Jermol
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning
Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia (SI)
Christian M. Stracke
Coordinator Cloud Strategy, Open Education and AI&ED Research
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-    Universität Bonn, Germany (DE)
Wayne Mackintosh
Holder of the New Zealand’s UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources. Director of the International Centre for Open Education at Te Pūkenga. Managing Director of OER Foundation.
OER foundation, New Zealand, Te Pūkenga, New Zealand (NZ)
Mpine Makoe
Open Distance Learning Professor and the Executive Dean of the College of Education at the University of South Africa.
UNISA, University of South Africa (ZA)
Rory McGreal
Professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Athabasca University, Canada (CA)
Regina Motz
Full Professor of Computer Science, Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Open and Accessible Educational Resources.
Universidad de la República, Uruguay (UY)
María Soledad Ramírez Montoya
Holder of the UNESCO/ICDE Chair for the Open education movement for Latin America.
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico (MX)
John Shawe Taylor
Director of IRCAI and UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence at University College London.
IRCAI, Slovenia (SI)