On Wednesday 26 June 2024, we launched the Unitwin UNOE open education network.
The inauguration took place online, and the event can be viewed or replayed here: https://mediaserver.univ-nantes.fr/videos/lancement-reseau-unitwin-unoe/.
A global network
Participants from over 35 different countries logged on to attend the network launch and listen to the experts talk about open education.
Beyond the figures, this global perspective means that we can think globally rather than just (!) nationally. With this horizon (or rather absence of a horizon), perspectives necessarily change.
The University of tomorrow will be open and built with young people
This was the main message from François Taddei, our guest speaker: in order to take into account both the natural commons and the digital commons that we are creating, we need to involve young people in the thinking and co-construction of the University of the future.
Open education beyond Open Educational Resources
OER have long been the main instrument of open education. And thinking about OER has often revolved around the issue of licensing. In practice, a course on OER will always go through this. But the future of open education – particularly under the influence of artificial intelligence – depends on much more than this question of licences!
What we learned from the launch
The inauguration means that the network now exists. Its success shows that while reflection can take place locally, it must also take into account our histories, our differences and above all our common needs.
In UNOE, we are working along these lines. But we can do much better when it comes to including young people in our thinking. We’ll need to launch initiatives along these lines as early as September!
A few testimonials
“Greetings from Ministry of Higher Education and Research in France, which actually work on a national strategy about Open Education, with many experts and partners like Nantes University and Unesco Chair RELIA coordinated by Colin. Congratulation for this very interesting international initiative !”
“Grateful to be part of this important initiative. Excited for the rich collaborations ahead. A thank you from Notre Dame University Louaize – Lebanon.”
“Thank you for a really inspiring and interesting conversation. We really look forward to following the network from the ICDE network.”
“The great organisation effort is now evident with a wonderful session today. Congratulations, a lot of learning for all of us on a critical issue. Open solution. Thank you.”
“This Initiative allows for high level borderless commitment to configure open solutions as public goods. It will be important to set priority actions for us to undertake towards this common endeavor.”
“Today I had the great pleasure of attending the inauguration and launch of the UNITWIN Network Open Education_UNOE under the auspices of Nantes Université & Unesco.
For me, this was one of the highlights of the year.
Finally, someone who dares to change the OE Agenda and its narratives.
Thanks also to Cheniti Lilia who was one of the panelists also to @Mpine one of our previous OERAC Ambassadors, now on ICDE Board for your contributions.
Mr Taddei talked about Planetism and Planetlsts, a very interesting concept, and also about including all learners and diversity in the OE Agenda, and the new social contract.”
And finally, a few screenshots