Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology is the national provider of vocational education and training comprising 25 Polytechnic business units and industry training organisations.
The Government is in the process of disestablishing Te Pūkenga and redesigning the national system to reestablish regional polytechnics.

New Zealand’s UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources
Established in 2013, New Zealand’s UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources focuses on three key action areas outlined in the UNESCO OER Recommendation:
- building educators’ capacity to reuse, create, and share OER;
- providing open online courses to ensure inclusive and equitable access to high-quality OER;
- and fostering international cooperation in the field of OER.
Wayne Mackintosh
Wayne Mackintosh works internationally on open sourcing education with a particular focus on open education for development.
He is the founder of WikiEducator and the OER Foundation headquartered in New Zealand. Wayne is a committed advocate and user of free software for education. He has extensive international experience in educational technology, learning design and the theory and practice of open and distance learning (ODL).